group decision making scenarios

Actively encourage reflection on and discussion of divergent opinions, doubts, and experiences in a respectful manner. First, focus feedback on the decision or discussed strategy, not on the individual. ), and that the ideas you bring to the table are worthwhile. Delegation Levels#leadership#decision making#agility#empowerment#wondercards, The delegation levels are a model help leaders to find the appropriate level of delegation depending on the assessed situation. Research demonstrates that making them part of the decision-making can sway the team to adapt their opinions to those of the expert or make overconfident judgments. Here are some best Decision-making games, 1. Her employer refused to let her take the weekend off to study. As with all such role-playing games, the debrief part of the activity is crucial. Dont over-rely on experts. By using agreed-upon tools and methods we can streamline the process, make it efficient, and distribute power in a way that makes sense for the type of decision and organisation we are in.By introducing activities and methods to support a group in weighing up the pros and cons before taking a final decision we can reap a lot of benefits. Affinity Diagrams 4. Decision-making activities help your team practice making quick, effective choices. When people want to develop new ideas, they most often think out of the box in the brainstorming or divergent phase. Write down the name of the idea as a headline on the rectangular sticky note. The group over at Management 3.0 has designed handouts . Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) are interactive computer-based systems that are able to combine communication and decision technologies to help groups make better decisions. Ideas and solutions are sifted in rapid fashion. What to use this exercise for: Anything which requires a group of people to make decisions, solve problems or discuss challenges. Offering activities for participatory decision making will reduce the effort needed later to ensure tasks get done and work goes ahead. The debrief focusses on understanding that we make decisions based on different personal sets of values.The implication here is that in order to efficiently make decisions as a group, we need to first clarify our group values, as well as share a general understanding of each others value sets, so that they may all be acknowledged and addressed. Impact and Effort Matrix#gamestorming#decision making#action#remote-friendly. Brand Strategist, Digital Marketer, and a Workshopper. Its ok to have sticky notes and ideas that dont seem to fit any category at this point. But in repetitive tasks, requiring convergent thinking in structured environments, such as adhering to safety procedures in flying or healthcare, homogenous groups often do better. Avoid groupthink by making sure everyone gets to wear the black hat before making decisions.If a team is afraid to express contrasting views or, perhaps, unwilling to straight-out criticize a plan coming from the manager, a facilitator can make it safer to navigate that territory by explicitly inviting criticism in. Downloadable! In this decision-making exercise, possible actions are mapped based on two factors: effort required to implement and potential impact. Finally, the outcome of a decision may be influenced by elements as simple as the choice of the groups messenger. NUF Test#gamestorming#decision making#action. Its usually easier to start with the first cell, then move on to the last, and start filling in the rest only after youve defined those two. Divide your group into two teams with an equal number of children on each team. The key to effective group decision making is constructive dissent disagreements that respectfully and productively challenge others' viewpoints, according to Harvard Business School professor Francesca Gino. These are two possible situations in which what we are looking for is not yet a decision, but a prioritization. Step 1: Before meeting as a group, present the task to your team. But Working-style differences, politics , and asymmetrical knowledge are just parts of the overall problem. The "In A Pickle" decision making activity is provided by Carol Miller, a popular educator on the Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) marketplace. Then we applied the weighted neutrosophic fuzzy soft rough set . Next, in a second round: what are we already doing that looks like that (and we therefore should stop doing)?Laughter often erupts, issues that are otherwise taboo get a chance to be aired and confronted. Like most of the workshop exercises, Dot Voting is run in together alone mode, so no discussions or opinion sharing are taking place! Stress: Placing a decision-making group under stress in scenarios such as one where there are moral dilemmas can increase the chances of groupthink occurring. Give some time for individual work and only then invite actions that make that work visible to all (such as marking a vote on a shared whiteboard). Many conflicts are avoided by clearing away potential misunderstandings at the start of the process rather than carrying them with us like dead weights. Many facilitated decision-making processes go something like this: first we brainstorm options, then we vote on them, then we choose one or more to continue working on and refining. Based on behavioral and decision science research and years of application experience, we have identified seven simple strategies for more effective group decision making: Keep the group small when you need to make an important decision. By keeping the group to between three and five people, a size that people naturally gravitate toward when interacting, you can reduce these negative effects while still benefitting from multiple perspectives. Backcasting is a wonderful tool for transforming a common goal into a practical plan. Second, express comments as a suggestion, not as a mandate. This doesnt mean that groups shouldnt make decisions together, but you do need to create the right process for doing so. She is scheduled to work Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon. Categorizing ideas along these lines is a useful technique in decision making, as it obliges contributors to balance and evaluate suggested actions before committing to them. Fortunately, there are plenty of online tools to make your life easier when you need to facilitate a meeting and lead workshops. Collective decision making : consent ('sociocratic") decision making#u-certified#empowerment#decision making##sociocracy# #holacracy, This sequence, also called objection-based decision-making, describes the consent decision-making process as the sociocracy movement promotes it. Here are 6 decision-making tools that can help a group indicate preferences and rank alternatives. Provide a safe space to speak up. It makes sense to use it after a decision making process if the decision is long-term and implementation steps are not yet clear.In a bit of time-travel, the facilitator invites participants to describe what success will be like in, say, 5 or 10 years if the decision is implemented. A loose analogy may be used to describe these differences: simple is like following a recipe, complicated like sending a rocket to the moon, complex like raising a child, and chaotic is like the game Pin the Tail on the Donkey.. So should you just accept that decision-making in teams won't be effective and enjoyable? It simply asks participants to share their responses to 3 questions: What do we need to start doing? Going through structured steps to articulate the possible consequences of a decision improves clarity. This sequence can apply, for example, to a consultation process, in which a team lead might ask the group for recommendations on actions to take in the next few months. Where do you have discretion and freedom to act? The Impact-Effort Matrix is a simple yet powerful tool. Participants rate statements by dropping tokens in Feedback Frames in a range of slots that are hidden by a cover, with results later revealed as a visual graph of opinions. Your email address will not be published. TRIZ makes it possible to challenge sacred cows safely and encourages heretical thinking. But even with the best intentions, its not sufficient to simply bring a group of people together and expect a great team to form on its own. group dynamics is Groupthink. These 9 simple and effective exercises will help you make your decision-making process faster, less overwhelming, and more effective! Once the group has prioritized a few possible courses of action, a decision-making technique like Gradients of Agreement helps clarify how everyone feels with respect to each option. Fill the screens with places that users go to, the affordances they find to take actions and the sequence of actions they take - in words only. Each person votes for the options they think are the strongest, and that information is used to inform a decision. Make sure to tell your participants to not group the notes in any specific order just yet.. After compiling the list of the ideas, the team reviews them. On the other hand, if youre running an exercise where theres not so much output, you might want to keep the number of dots to 1-2. Consent decision-making in practice works as a series of facilitated rounds, designed to refine a proposal and ensure concerns are identified and integrated into an improved decision.Find here a detailed template you can read through and take inspiration from to ferry a group from ideation into deciding based on sociocratic principles. A seriously playful approach to decision-making, Training activities to learn about decision-making, Decision-making tools for ranking and prioritization, Exercises that mitigate the risk of groupthink in collective decision-making, Decision making activities to converge upon a solution, Closing activities to turn a decision into action, Activity flows designed for taking collective decisions. *Deciding collectively is not always necessary (see this blog piece for more on decision-making rules and possibilities), but it can be a key to obtaining high levels of buy-in and enthusiasm from all. These leaders can overpower group members' opinions that oppose their own ideas. In our groups and organizations, we want to move forward. Action Board Workshop 1. Its a flexible, basic tool, easy to adapt to online environments as well. This is a small-scale strategic planning session that helps groups and individuals to take action toward a desired change. No buy-in strategies needed! Encourage the group to start giving you feedback by saying higher or lower. An individual decision will suffice. But how do you choose the right ones? The point of Dot Voting, after all, is to quickly narrow down the sticky notes to the top-voted ones. Open, generative conversation unfolds. In De Bonos method, this is called the black hat. This study describes how students initiate and manage transitions between activities during group-work. Large scale group decision-making Modifiable scenarios Clustering Consensus Download conference paper PDF 1 Introduction New technologies using the Internet and social networks have globalised decision-making processes because they are accessible to everyone through their smart electronic devices. These groups may try to reach a consensus irrationally. The idea is to give participants enough dots to get overlapping votes on a few ideas while not giving them too many that you end up with votes on almost every idea. From Strategy and Design Thinking to Agile Retrospectives and General Brainstorming, GroupMap means you can design . They help people pick it up a level. So rather than asking participants to make a difficult decision and try to hold all the information in their heads while they evaluate the different options, a Heat Map will serve as a great visual summary of where the best parts of each big idea are. Dotmocracy#action#decision making#group prioritization#hyperisland#remote-friendly. Gradients of Agreement#decision making#consensus building#convergence. This article contains: In theory, the more people you have involved in a decision the more knowledge and intelligence you are applying. Just like in the storyboarding exercise, 8 tends to be the sweet spot between going too high-level and too granular, but feel free to experiment and see what suits your challenge best., Pull up the artefacts from the ideation session so that you can incorporate bits and pieces of what youve already came up with directly into the exercise.. The easiest way to do that is to fill in the first cell and the last cell first. Join the 100,000+ facilitators using SessionLab. Of course, following these steps doesnt guarantee a great decision. The education and business fields are going crazy over it, books are written about it, and service designers, creative agencies, career coaches, trainers and facilitators are using it. Lastly, make sure to mention that its okay for participants to vote on their own ideas. It is one of the hottest buzzwords of today, easily found in articles and in the news. Dont set vague or unrealistic timescales - have a diary or calendar around, and make sure you are working in the real world, taking holidays and busy operational times into account. Second, express comments as a suggestion, not as a mandate. This team activity is useful to increase focus and alignment in a team, particularly when there are a lot of possible options, activities or campaigns on the table. Having more options in mind allows for more flexibility and adaptability in the team! 15% Solutions#action#liberating structures#remote-friendly. Then move over to the scale and hold the sticky note in the middle of the four quadrants, where the two dotted lines cross each other., Start with the effort scale and ask the group directly: Would you rate the effort of this idea as higher or lower?. Choose a heterogenous group over a homogenous one (most of the time). Economist Gareth Morgan popularized the idea of 15% solutions in his 1998 article, where he stated that small actions that can be taken easily have the potential to trigger substantial change. Group decisions are decisions that are made by a group either to leverage their collective knowledge or as a way to achieve acceptance of decisions. Escape hopeland is a game created for an Erasmus+ youth exchange which can definitely inspire you to create something similar based on the specific needs of the team you are working with. Effort/Impact Scale 7. You can tap the know-how and imagination that is distributed widely in places not known in advance. With a very simple question, you can flip the conversation to what can be done and find solutions to big problems that are often distributed widely in places not known in advance. And defining the bang together helps ensure that the process of prioritization is quality. 100$ Test#gamestorming#action#decision making. How to Facilitate a Quarterly Planning Process (detailed guide). These activities are a subset of remote team games, found in problem solving books, and are similar to team puzzles, team building brain teasers and team riddles. The convergent phase of a decision making process flows best when constraints are clearly identified. You can help individuals or groups avoid the frequent mistake of trying to solve a problem with methods that are not adapted to the nature of their challenge. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. This is a highly participatory consultation process, as each team manager has the last word as to tasks to prioritize and metrics to assign. Then ask the group to assess the proposed ideas, again independently and anonymously, without assigning any of the suggestions to particular team members. List the options. Run them with your team, then settle down to debrief and discuss what works well for you in deciding together! Expect this exercise to get loud as its susceptible to high energy from the team. Unlike a lot of the tools and techniques on WorkshopBank it focuses on improving only 1 key process - how to make decisions in a better way. The participants are divided into two groups. Also note that it can be perfectly ok to give extra dots to the project lead or team manager, or tweak the system any other way that makes sense for your situation! when it can be solved reliably with practices that are easy to duplicate. Having these artefacts will also help keep your team focussed, instead of venturing out in the terrain of ideating new ideas., Narrow in on the 8 key steps that will help illustrate the solution youre trying to create and note them down as headings for the cell. Ages 4-7. 1-2-4-all is the essential go-to method to combine in a single, effective flow, individual reflection, paired discussion and shared opinions. Shifting a few grains of sand may trigger a landslide and change the whole landscape. Extremes apart, it is a fun game that can lead to some powerful revelations in the debrief section. A concept that vastly helps to overcome this obstacle is the idea of a range of tolerance.This activity from Airbus Leadership University invites participants to clarify and share what options are a Personal preference, which would encounter their firm Objection and what falls in their Range of tolerance. We're here to help with this collection of simple and effective team building activities! The X-axis denotes the originality of the idea and the Y-axis shows the ease of implementation, and the group is looking for steps forward toward the most innovative and plausible courses of action.When people want to develop new ideas, they most often think out of the box in the brainstorming or divergent phase. This fun game develops problem-solving and decision-making skills. And share collective responsibility for the outcome. Its important for a team to build a shared understanding of the different possible ways a decision can be taken. To avoid that, tell your workshop participants that discarding some ideas. Your dad told you to clean up your toys, but you're having fun. Your storyboard will end up looking somewhat like this: Now its time to fill in the rest of the cells. Its especially useful if youre trying to narrow down your choices and focus on a few impactful strategies rather than spreading yourself too thin! Perhaps youre already applying it in your work or everyday life, too? Rather than using generic terms such as vote for your favorite or put three dots on the idea you think is best, take some time to consider what kind of direction you are really looking for. Your Effort/Impact Scale will look something like this: Start by gathering all your solutions, concepts, and ideas that you have already generated.. Feedback Frames for Prioritizing a Brainstorm#decision making#action. In a similar vein to backcasting, this activity from Hyper Island encourages participants to use their imagination to visualise what will happen in the future once the decision is implemented, then works backwards to define practical actions. Participants rate statements by dropping tokens in Feedback Frames in a range of slots that are hidden by a cover, with results later revealed as a visual graph of opinions. At this stage, group members can discuss the potential causes of the difficulty. Since laughter often erupts, issues that are otherwise taboo get a chance to be aired and confronted. Larger pools of knowledge are by no means a guarantee of better outcomes. Heres the most effective solution Ive found: Replace all open, unstructured discussion with a clear process. One way to counter undesirable groupthink tendencies in teams is to appoint a devils advocate. This person is tasked with acting as a counterforce to the groups consensus. If you have any new ones, consider adding them to SessionLabs library of methods: as mentioned above, facilitators tend to have a richer toolkit for divergence than for convergence, so lets work on closing that gap! As a leader, you need first to understand the nature of the decision youre asking the group to make before you assemble a suitable team. Consensus can be hard to reach, however, set the aim for all participants to at least partially agree to each ranking on their final list. ), decisions come quickly and efficiently. Dot Voting is a great way to narrow down the amount of ideas and possible solutions without digressing into circular discussions. Place two of the four boards end to end on the ground or floor. Step 2: Create a core group of two members and have them discuss the task or issue. In the NUF Test, participants rate an idea on three criteria: to what degree is it New, Useful, and Feasible? In the 20/20 Vision sequence, participants are called to spell out the perceived benefits of different courses of action, then rank them by general importance.After this part, which is arguably the real value of the method, the facilitator asks the team to compare initiatives to one another in pairs. What weve learned from behavioral science. The Cynefin framework is a more in-depth look into this topic, designed to support leaders to make decisions in context. Its super easy to run and can be mastered even by novice facilitators. However, when it comes to convergence, people often end up picking ideas that are most familiar to them. The main risks include falling into groupthink or other biases that will distort the process and the ultimate outcome. Team members have to choose the best course of action through negotiation and creative thinking. What can you do without more resources or authority? Use this quick, practical decision making technique to encourage participants to take immediate action to implement a decision they have just taken. To find more details on sociocracy you can refer to the education organization Sociocracy for Alls website. At SessionLab we use a structured decision making process to set priorities and decide what we will work on each quarter. Fist to Five is a simple series of hand signals solving the problem of how to test for agreement, and move towards convergence, in a way that is easy to communicate, quick to do, and can work for large gatherings. (. As a precondition to collective decision making, we should know what type of problem we are facing. Moreover, all members should feel accountable for the groups decision making process and its final outcome. Collective Decision making: Let's check resistance ! A loose analogy may be used to describe these differences: simple is like following a recipe, complicated like sending a rocket to the moon, complex like raising a child, and chaotic is like the game. Through deciding together, a team grows! You can use arrows to visualize the flow and interactions between elements. Categorizing ideas along these lines is a useful technique in decision making, as it obliges contributors to balance and evaluate suggested actions before committing to them. In the end, they all arrive to the final. #decision making#u-certified#remote-friendly, Objective is to support a group which needs to prioritize and/or decide among various available solutions. PDF. Research shows that such negative tendencies can be effectively counteracted if different roles are assigned to different group members, based on their expertise. Shared group values can become north stars to guide and align decision-making. Scenario 1. Start, Stop, Continue is a very flexible exercise developed by Gamestorming methods. Team decision-making is one of the hardest skills to master. A very pragmatic, lighting-quick approach to going from ideation to decision comes in this method card contributed by AJ&Smart. Beware of trying to complete the action or project in the room. To do that, we need to align on what we will do together, and how. Participants navigate the map differently based on their choices, then regroup at the end to discuss. In this seriously fun method, participants dwell on the question: What could we do to make sure we achieve the absolute worst result possible? Experts can help groups make more informed decisions. Because this is an open-discussion format, watch out for circular discussions or unrelated topics sparking up (. There does not necessarily need to be one single answer, but an indication of interest.In another scenario, the group might be looking for a direction for a proposal. Youll need to estimate the right amount of dots to distribute to each participant to make sure the voting sessions narrow down your choices. First, focus feedback on the decision or discussed strategy, not on the individual. Stop doing? When people claim that deciding together is a waste of time, they are probably thinking of unstructured conversations, in which participants take tangents, lose track of the topic, and ultimately agree out of sheer exhaustion. Collect opinions independently. And just like that, you have planned out your project and got your team on-board with the course of action. Sharing what we need to start, stop and continue will of course lead to a discussion. What are the benefits of using decision-making techniques? It helps if you have prioritised these in an earlier exercise as you will be able to organize them better. Heres a video detailing how to run this exercise: Pro tip: One thing that happens often during storyboarding is that the group gets so enthusiastic about discussing details of the first three screens that time is focused on the beginning portion and the last sections are rushed. One of the reasons for its popularity is, Join the 100.000 facilitators using SessionLab, 2022 TrainedOn O Voolu tn 20a, Tallinn, 10918 Tallinn, Estonia It is based on you asking your child simple "this" or "that" questions, and then following up their decisions with examples of consequences they might encounter. The better choices you make, the better decision-maker you'll become. This is truly a dangerous dynamic that can take groups down the rabbit hole of complacency. In other cases, it might not be decisive on its own, but can still help decision makers and facilitators decide the next steps. Duis cursus. Jean has had very little time to review, her grades have been very low this semester. On the other hand, group decision making is best suited to complicated or complex scenarios which require expertise and diversity.But how do we know what kind of problem we are facing? A typical decision-making session scenario includes team members talking over each other, more introverted participants being overpowered by the loudest people in the room, andteam politics impeding real progressJust talking about this makes our heads hurt! You can clear space for innovation by helping a group let go of what it knows (but rarely admits) limits its success and by inviting creative destruction. Which of these two is more important for the organisation? Audio and video recordings were collected in secondary school mathematics lessons (6 x 75 min) based on student-centred learning and the idea of minimal teacher instruction. Roadmap 8. Identify the problem. . Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. HBR Learnings online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Team Management. However, context matters. Group Decision Making: Being Part of the Team. Research shows that a GDSS can actually improve the output of groups' collaborative work through higher information sharing (Lam & Schaubroeck, 2000). One of the most talked-about (and feared!) Step 3: Add a third group member to the core group. Not on our watch! 3 Action Steps#hyperisland#action#remote-friendly. The purpose of these exercises is to sharpen reasoning and decision-making skills in group settings and to do team building with employees. Much of the facilitators work is directed at creating just such an environment. Use these scenarios as a basis for engaging in conversation about making decisions between right and wrong. Have all the ideas you want to prioritize nearby. When you have a tough business problem to solve, you likely bring it to a group. Therefore group decision-making allows the team to discuss the different viewpoints and objectively look at the options. The reflection is focused on their decision-making process. conventional collaboration scenarios dont address that! Working with restrictions, conditions and limiting factors is very useful to converge on a realistic decision. Here are 5 ideas to start with! Third, express feedback in a way that shows you . And just like that, you have now prioritized your potential solutions and have a clear action plan for every idea. Agreement-Certainty Matrix#issue analysis#liberating structures#problem solving. With creative destruction come opportunities for renewal as local action and innovation rush in to fill the vacuum. step-by-step instructions on how to run the Action Board workshop here. It is often used at the end of a workshop or programme. Simple and elegant! Therefore, invite experts to provide their opinion on a clearly defined topic, and position them as informed outsiders in relation to the group.

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